Minggu, 28 Desember 2008

Penampakan Hantu Wewe Di Sekolah Serem Banget

i was really impressed by this ghost picture, when the first time i watch this ghost picture i remember one of the most scary movie. it is the ring ghost. do you still remember with the ring ghost? yes when i watch this ghost picture, then i remember with the ring ghost. this is just looked like a japan ghost which appear as a woman with white skin and long black hair. she have a long black finger and she wear a white dress. she look so perfect like a kuntilanak ghost. but i dont really believe that this ghost is true ghost picture :)

16 komentar:

  1. foto seperti ini yang bikin merinding, klo disini foto cewek semua

  2. kayak photoshop tu...!


  3. poto apaan itu,keliata klo masih amatir pake photoshop

  4. halah masih amtir pegang photoshop

  5. Awas, jangan tengok hantu baru di jumpa ni jika lemah semangat ok, lihat di sini http://misteri-gambar-hantu.blogspot.com

  6. Nice blog & too scary snaps, i will visit ur blog very often, hope u go for this website to increase visitor.Happy Blogging!!!

  7. hihi..serem amit amit


    (SILAHKAN DENGARKAN LAGU INI PADA MALAM HARI SEORANG DIRI, HANTU JASON PASTI AKAN DATANG DAN DIA AKAN DUDUK DISISIMU SAMBIL MENANGIS... HIHI SEREM!!) semoga pengalaman ini jangan pernah terjadi lagi pada kami.. semoga arwah mu tenang JASON. link on 4shared


  8. q sring jlan mlm gx prnah koq ktemu hantu,knapa msih bnyak prcaya hantu

  9. come on enuf with that blank pages idiot

  10. Ayo bergabung sekarang juga bersama kami di Fans^^betting ^_^

  11. terima kasih atas ilmunya dan jangan lupa kunjungi ppns.ac.id dan candukumusik.wordpress.com
